Sunday, December 5, 2010

Field Journal 9 - improved

Gunter Rambow (b. 1938) is a German designer who is very famous for his poster designs. He produced outstanding posters and a lot of photo books.

He was trained as a glass painter prior to entering the graphic department of the Hochshule für bildende Kunste (Academy of Art and Design in Kasse).

At twenty-two, while still a student, Gunter Rambow started his own design studio in Kassel.He worked together with Gerhard Lienemeyer and Michael van de Sand, but he has always been the creative member of team.

His works are very creative, brilliant, and unforgettable. In his designs the medium of photography is montaged and manipulated. He would re-draw and re-photograph the subjects to turn ordinary into extraordinary.

Gunter Rambow
Book poster for Frankfurt-based publishing house, S.Fischer Verlag
, 1976

I really like his Book poster for Frankfurt-based publishing house. The book disappears in the crowd of people, as if it is made up of people, signifying that the context of any book is a collaboration of ideas of many people.

Gunter Rambow
Book poster for Frankfurt-based publishing house, S.Fischer Verlag
, 1970s

There are examples of other creative book posters done by Rambow. Seems like he is trying to tell through his posters that book help people think, develop, inspire new ideas.

Gunter Rambow
Book poster for Frankfurt-based publishing house, S.Fischer Verlag
, 1970s

Rambow was very clear about his political and social views, often depicting them in his posters, even commenting on the plays, for which he produced the posters.

In 2007, the Museum fur Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt dedicated a major solo exhibition to Rambow’s work. The show was a collection of more than one hundred posters by Gunter Rambow ranging from 1962 to the present, and Richard Meier's architecture.

Gunter Rambow
Poster against violence “Think before you're thought “, 1995

His work still influences many artists today.

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